Friday, January 2, 2015

Turning Toward 2015

Snappy post tonight... because this is the new year.  And any new year is about getting things done... not about long-winded reminiscing about doing stuff.  So, let's get to it.

Like many of you, I used the holidays to do some catching up… here are some technology-related catching-up things that I did over the holiday break.  Maybe they will give you some ideas/inspiration:
  • Helped one child set up two-factor authentication on their Dropbox account
  • Worked out the kinks in the Arduino code for another child’s cool motion-controlled lamp
  • Initiated a second (home-based) Time Machine disk for my work Macbook to protect from theft/loss of the Time Machine disk that I carry
  • Ordered some additional SmartThings moisture sensors (since apparently I need one next to each toilet)
  • Configured some additional SmartThings home automation with some motion sensors I had (and threw out all of my old X-10 hardware… yippee!)
  • Dug out about a dozen old paper manuals like this one, found them on the web, saved them to Evernote, and recycled the paper… yippee!)
  • Set up a newly arrived Doxie Go Wi-Fi scanner, a super-handy, high-quality way to get paper into Evernote via Mac/iPhone/iPad
  • Did some digital shredding of old data... the hard way
  • Upgraded the last of the Macs in the house to Yosemite (much to the excitement of the family)
  • Learned how to Snapchat (much to the disappointment of the rest of the family ;-)
There you have it.  Hope that inspires you to go do your thing!

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